super helpful, this dose of optimism....I'm ready to increase the dose.

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I don't know if it's just me and the environments I'm in, but I was surprised that more people weren't talking about a private company landing on the moon. That seems pretty darn cool.

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We are so back

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Worth noting the open source AI models have available weights but the training process and data isn't public.

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Google and Meta are open sourcing because they’re not the incumbents in AI, OpenAI is.

So they’re trying to lure people, especially developers, over to their side of the pond. We’ll have to see how it all pans out!

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I am waiting every week to your article and I am always enjoying it so much . Thank you .Yahli

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What’s “gundo”? A naive Google didn’t help.

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Gundo are the hard tech founders building in “El Segundo” CA. It’s kind of a niche twitter thing but it’s become a bit of a movement

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