Maybe the NRC will come up with an LLM to read the Microsoft generated regulatory filings and the computers can keep each other busy and allow us to finally build some reactors.

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Lots of good news here. Thanks for putting this together.

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finally, some good news for the male readers with pregnant wives! (what a bizarre choice of sentence. why not "our pregnant readers"?)

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Came here for exactly this!

Did you not consider you have female readers?!?

And - this is actually a great case of womens healthcare not being funded enough thanks to patrichary. If you dig one level below the surface you would have learned that the main researcher was a woman who had experienced this herself. That should have been the main point of the story, not how it can make to-be-dads appear greater.. What a sad take.

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Great stuff, as always. Love this. (Your link in (5) is broken)

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This is a nice development in all sphere as I was interested in temporary home short fix for epileptic power supply but was turned down especially in developing and underdeveloped countries.

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