We live a newtonian reality in a quantum universe. Said differently, we make deterministic choices in a probabilistic universe. That is the only way we can deal with our individual perceived reality :)
Bruno Latour - the founder of actor network theory - has been making the argument about the relational nature of reality for the last 40 years. Check out his 'Reassembling the Social' book for a mild introduction.
The smart side of “social construction “ - which includes many Buddhists following Nagariuna (eg Francisco Varela) has been helping people see the relational nature of reality - will point out that the Buddha’s original teachings in the Dhammapada (500 BCE) say what Nagarjuna does later too! One helpful leadership approach - with lots of free resources is “Appreciative Inquiry” which helps you lead and create much more happily and effectively
Great stuff, Packy. Both books added to my reading list. Sagan has never been more relevant:
“We've arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.”
Love this, Packy. And I think all of this is becoming more intuitive / less weird recently, as the entire web of relations awakens to itself, its own consciousness. As I've been exploring at http://theecosystemparadigm.com, everything is ecosystems, nested (and nested); it's ecosystems all the way down. Rovelli and I — and you — share this deep transformative sense.
Mr Cormick, Try picking up this book, " The Key of Knowledge", written over a century ago, by C.R.Jain; a lot of what you say seems to be like old wine in a new bottle. And these ideas were aeons ago defined, described and explained in Jain Theology that talks about truth being multifaceted- ( Hindi word- Anekant wad, aneka is many ). Mr. Cormick, do you pratice Vipassana Meditation ? or are you a follower of Y.N.Harari
Love the connection of dots between emergent systems properties prompted by relations, and quantum physics. For something related, possibly less mend-binding, but certainly not mainstream and likely useful to management types, have a look at this discussion on the emergent intelligence in networks - at all levels https://medium.com/@giannigiacomelli69/where-does-intelligence-come-from-824b03d513d6
Rovelli is, together with Y. Harari, the non-fiction author that really blew my mind. While Rovelli introduces quantum physics and the idea that reality is a web of particles, Harari talks about Dataism and the idea that reality is a flow of data/information (last chapter of his Homo Deus). Creating connections across disciplines is a great exercise :)
We live a newtonian reality in a quantum universe. Said differently, we make deterministic choices in a probabilistic universe. That is the only way we can deal with our individual perceived reality :)
Bruno Latour - the founder of actor network theory - has been making the argument about the relational nature of reality for the last 40 years. Check out his 'Reassembling the Social' book for a mild introduction.
The smart side of “social construction “ - which includes many Buddhists following Nagariuna (eg Francisco Varela) has been helping people see the relational nature of reality - will point out that the Buddha’s original teachings in the Dhammapada (500 BCE) say what Nagarjuna does later too! One helpful leadership approach - with lots of free resources is “Appreciative Inquiry” which helps you lead and create much more happily and effectively
Great stuff, Packy. Both books added to my reading list. Sagan has never been more relevant:
“We've arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.”
Love this, Packy. And I think all of this is becoming more intuitive / less weird recently, as the entire web of relations awakens to itself, its own consciousness. As I've been exploring at http://theecosystemparadigm.com, everything is ecosystems, nested (and nested); it's ecosystems all the way down. Rovelli and I — and you — share this deep transformative sense.
No intelligent comment to add - just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your work. These longreads are so worth it.
Mr Cormick, Try picking up this book, " The Key of Knowledge", written over a century ago, by C.R.Jain; a lot of what you say seems to be like old wine in a new bottle. And these ideas were aeons ago defined, described and explained in Jain Theology that talks about truth being multifaceted- ( Hindi word- Anekant wad, aneka is many ). Mr. Cormick, do you pratice Vipassana Meditation ? or are you a follower of Y.N.Harari
Packy - I found Naval and Brett Hall's discussion of David Deutsch to be particularly interesting. If you haven't checked that out its worth a look.
Hey Packy, I didn't know about Rovelli, but I just ordered the 2 books. Lately I've been obsessed with the podcast Sean Carrol's Mindscape. Based on this post I think you'd really like it. Here's a recent episode on particle physics: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2022/02/07/183-michael-dine-on-supersymmetry-anthropics-and-the-future-of-particle-physics/
Love the connection of dots between emergent systems properties prompted by relations, and quantum physics. For something related, possibly less mend-binding, but certainly not mainstream and likely useful to management types, have a look at this discussion on the emergent intelligence in networks - at all levels https://medium.com/@giannigiacomelli69/where-does-intelligence-come-from-824b03d513d6
Rovelli is, together with Y. Harari, the non-fiction author that really blew my mind. While Rovelli introduces quantum physics and the idea that reality is a web of particles, Harari talks about Dataism and the idea that reality is a flow of data/information (last chapter of his Homo Deus). Creating connections across disciplines is a great exercise :)