The comparison between what happened to Amazon and Webvan is fascinating. Borders is a great example of a business that could have innovated to stay profitable but decided to pivot.
Hi Packy, I found reading your article very insightful yet entertaining. It can't stop me to go back the previous posts to learn your thoughts on these big companies! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I wish I can find this earlier but glad I found your post now.
(side note: would you mind sharing the template that you use on the newsletter subscription dashboard? Love your visualization style! )
The comparison between what happened to Amazon and Webvan is fascinating. Borders is a great example of a business that could have innovated to stay profitable but decided to pivot.
Henry Ford and Walt Disney!
Hi Packy, I found reading your article very insightful yet entertaining. It can't stop me to go back the previous posts to learn your thoughts on these big companies! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I wish I can find this earlier but glad I found your post now.
(side note: would you mind sharing the template that you use on the newsletter subscription dashboard? Love your visualization style! )
Great essay! Quick note: Tesla released the Model 3 in 2017, not the Model X ;)
Wow, that 1997 Bezos interview. Wild.
(side note: what's the newsletter subscription dashboard you shared the screenshot of?)
I built that one in Excel after I changed my substack domain and lost the history in the graph. Happy to share the template.
That would be great!
Also, a little annoying to hear that changing substack subdomain drops history.
I still have all of the subscriber history, just doesn't show up in the chart. What's the best e-mail to share the template to?
mail at my name with the most COMmon TLD ;)
I mostly agree, with the qualification that “Tesla stock price is too high" has predictive power through causal power.
For sure - that was meant to show his recent tailspin, not his predictive powers.