Regarding the example with the letter boxes: How can Dolores be sure that you correctly marked the letters?

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Hi, I'm translation team leader from BuidlerDAO (https://twitter.com/BuidlerDAO). We really appreciate this article and would like to ask for you permission for translation, since we want more people read and learn zero knowledge by your amazing explanation and examples!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

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Thank you for a very insightful article on an extremely interesting but difficult topic.

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hello packy, I am a subscriber from China.Thanks for sharing the information about ZKPs. In this article,I feel confused about A Simple Personal Example: Renting an Apartment . Just imagine

,Puja and I may lia the Dolores,I dont have $40k ,but I still add "+" to the all boxes. In order to rent the apartment. What do you think of it?

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The paper itself will be a verifiable claim by your bank. When Dolores opens the box she will use the public key of the claim issuer to create the hash of the claim. She will then compare the two hashes to ensure they are equal. The claim will read, "Puja earns $40k or more per year".

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