Oct 6, 2023Liked by Packy McCormick

I read the Kariko story in the Wall Street Journal. I was furious at the U of Penn even though I went to Cornell and Columbia, and spent high school years hanging around Harvard Square--- The WSJ write up was not quite as scathing on the University of Pennsylvania than your summation, but it was on Page 2--very prominent. And all those Wharton alumni read the WSJ--and write alumni checks, if they feel like it.

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Guys, I always appreciate these little nods to optimism. Please keep them up!

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Focused ultrasound has been around for awhile. Edap has FDA approval, and has been using it to treat prostate cancer for years. Is this technology somehow different?

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Deglobalization and global “fracturing” threatens the progress we have made in poverty alleviation.

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Re: global poverty

I am 100% sure that 90% or more of the people lifted out of poverty globally, are Chinese.

I am also quite sure that the number of people in poverty in the West - are increasing. But fortunately the "golden billion" are a minority of the overall global population - so the impact on global numbers is small.

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I am happy that so many Chinese people have been lifted out of poverty.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Packy McCormick

Agreed, although I wonder if there could have been a different price than the deindustrialization of the United States.

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Your kudos for mRNA should be buffered with the knowledge that Covid is now acknowledged as a fumbled bioweapon that escaped a lab and killed 18 million people, after its perpetrators lied repeatedly. Fauci/Hotez et al thus have the biggest score since Mao in the 60's. No room for joking there, either.

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