It's great to see medicine taking center stage (at least here) with regard to AI innovations. I've long thought this would be an unambiguously positive place where we would see huge benefits from technology.

Well okay, nothing is unambiguously positive, but maybe "low hanging fruit" is a better descriptive term.

Anyway, Dan and Packy, thank you for calling attention to some of these amazing innovations that are happening. Everyone is paying attention to the bells and whistles, or to doom and gloom, but medicine is quietly being revolutionized this year.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Packy McCormick, Daniel McCormick

YES! I feel optimistic again :)

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"perhaps we were a bit pessimistic last week. Permitting reform is possible when the reform directly aligns with the strategic priorities of the sitting President during an election cycle"

Guys, I love your weekly dose, but this sounds unnecessarily backhanded. Seems the Biden administration deserves a more generous attitude than this.

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We’re generally supportive of Biden’s policies, especially with regard to clean energy and semiconductors. But this is kind of how politics work, for better or worse.

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Thanks for the insightful summary! It's exciting to see the advances being made across biosciences, energy, and manufacturing through new applications of AI and policy changes. The CZI biomedical AI supercomputer, DeepMind's AlphaMissense model, and nuclear plant reopening all seem like promising developments. Reducing permitting roadblocks could really help accelerate building too. I'll be keeping an eye out for whether these initiatives achieve their aims and positively impact healthcare, climate change, and the economy.

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Re: Clean energy

I was contacted by a European utilities holding company about a month ago. The countries covered by the utilities in this holding company are producing ~50% of overall electricity from renewables.

To put this in perspective, Texas has the largest renewables capacity in the US but produces only ~30% of overall electricity from renewables.

They reached out because literally a billion plus euros a year is being spent due to curtailment. And as the political side in those countries is targeting 75% to 80% net renewable electricity production i.e. visibly closer to Net Zero - the percent of curtailment is widely expected to increase to 5% of overall generation or more. Given that the jump involves more than doubling existing renewable generation capacity, it is understandable why this company, at least, has started to really address the problem. Those countries individually already have well over twice the renewable capacity of Texas...

One of the other countries - 1/6th of their offshore wind electricity is being curtailed overall. Ouch.

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