Aug 18, 2023Liked by Daniel McCormick

When the government spends 891 billion dollars (IR act), even I think it will be able to create a few jobs. What did each job cost?

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Starting to think I should stop eating bacon. Wonder when lab grown kidneys will be created instead of harvesting ones from pigs.

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Daniel McCormick

"If science keeps progressing, the first step is we all become human pig hybrids. The next step is that we’re replaced by robot humanoids all together."

I am very optimistic for the future.

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Dan, Packy- we've seen reconstructions of images from brains, and now we've heard music (albeit a little rough, but still recognizable). We've even seen dreams turned into video.

How long until Minority Report is a thing?

Should I write about this?

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The robot that needs to use the restroom🚽 is hysterical. And cool!

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