Love the newsletter, disappointed to see people defaulting to the negative view in the comments. Keep doing what you do :)

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Great summary of things to be excited about! The lab-grown meat space is one I've followed for about a decade now, and I still remember the first $100,000 stem-cell burger, and wondering how quickly the technology would become affordable. It looks like that day is here! Time to revisit some of my earlier writing for an update.

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Michael* Faraday

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Beware of looking at the world thru rose colored glasses. Yes there are many good things happening. The I95 re-opening is a major indication of the reversal of inability of to build things. I was so excited to see that. But there are other trends and news that can not be ignore as they directly destroy the foundations of what can give us a better future. Republicans, yes I call them out by name. Its not "both sides".

Republican Senators, Congressmen, Legislatures, Governors and candidates are marching the country down the road to outright fascism. They are banning books, destroying educational institutions, enabling outright bribery of the highest court, perverting the mechanisms of elections, spreading lies and misinformation, legalizing persecution of minorities, resurrecting the confederacy, and so much more. These can stop and reverse progress in one more election cycle unless we recognize what they are doing and demand that they are removed from power.

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Really loved the newsletter up until this one saying that a bias is why folks think things are in decline. Not crumbling infrastructure. Not stagnant wages or a dismally low minimum wage. Not absurd exec pay compared to the avg employee. Not Union busting. Not Covid deaths. Not the war in Europe. Not rising right wing politics and ideals. Not prosecution of LBGTQ folks in the US. Not the way boomers have clung to every resource they have and made things worse for younger generations. Do I need to keep going?

Don’t get me wrong i want to be optimistic. I’m damn tired of feeling like I’m living through “unprecedented times.” But not acknowledging these things and completely ignoring the everyday issues of an entire lower/lower middle class to say that our biases are fueling the pessimism feels irresponsible. I realize you're in a bubble here making money at home with a newsletter about off the wall tech stuff but. Yikes dude.

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Hard pass on lab grown meat! Beyond not being natural, you are taking away the livelihood of thousands of farmers to put more power into a large company's hands. Can't imagine that would ever be abused. :-/

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Replacing chickens - eggs, chicks and adult birds - with lab meat sounds nice in theory.

What is the fact? How much sugar, agar, water and various chemicals/minerals/support structures are needed vs. literal bird feed? How much are relative labor and transport costs?

I95: the "rebuild" was just filling in the gap. Recycled glass, but still the basic tech goes back to building siege ramps against Sumerian cities.

At least this collapse wasn't due to lack of infrastructure spending like so many other collapses in the US.

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