I'm really loving this Dose of Optimism series. Hope a lot of people feels the same so it will continue.

Kudos to Packy and all the Not Boring team. 👊🏻

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Hey Packy, it would be great if you could split the Not Boring posts between the different categories like the Sponsored Deep Dives, Dose of Optimism, and your personal thoughts like Amplified Tribalism.

I don't know if this is possible on Substack, but there is content that is more relevant or preferable for a person than other and, of course, that's my case.

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Hi, I'm new to this substack and really enjoyed this piece. Especially so the stripe part and the abundance agenda for climate change. In any case, have a great weekend

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"Wolfson’s piece is a celebration of the magic that comes from being a part of a team that’s working incredibly hard together and a good reminder that great progress requires great effort."

I think this is a bit too rosy view of her piece, as the comments there critique. Wolfson states that her manager guilted her out of taking a vacation so she could continue putting in 15-hour days. Left unsaid is how she was being compensated for dedicating her life to a company.

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This is how the debate always goes on this topic, but ultimately it’s her choice and having been in situations like that, there is something special about everyone caring so much that they’re all working very hard together. It’s not for everyone.

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I agree! But I think there is a line between working very hard together and the type of culture that becomes destructive as companies continue to grow, more is demanded from employees for less compensation/equity. Is Stripe's culture akin to the relentlessly critiquing that goes on at Netflix? It's unclear. I've been in those situations also, but at the end of the day, most big organizations would replace you in a heartbeat if it suited them.

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In any event, I'm enjoying this column (in addition to the weekly newsletter)!

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