I am always impressed with your articles and content. Your writings, ideas, information, etc.. usually lead me down the rabbit hole searching for more understanding. And I mean that in a good way! I'm no way knowledgeable enough to know about the many subject manners that you expose. Thank you for helping me explore and understand. Keep up the great writing!

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Perhaps ChatGPT could become a better general-answerer-of-questions than Google, but it’ll take some serious evolving. I just engaged it in a conversation about a well-understood domain - music theory. In the first reply it confidently asserted that G is the subdominant chord of A major, which is entirely wrong (the subdominant is D, and G is not a chord that occurs in A major). The point is not necessarily that the information was wrong, because a Google results page may also contain wrong information. It was that it asserted the falsity and didn’t give me any context that let me judge it. At least a Google results page shows me something about the source, so I can assess how much I might trust it.

Fun to chat with, though.

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I look forward to these every week

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