we need 400000 (4000 terrawatts, US energy consumption) gigawatts of nuclear, we can make energy free if we want to. 1-4GW is a rounding error.

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Anymore, the proper response to questions about celebrating Anduril is, "You're obviously not old enough to the answer. We'll try again when you're mature enough to be having these conversations."

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"Our response is always the same: a more competent U.S. defense industry means a more powerful United States military which (if history is any indication) means a safer world which means more societal progress. "

This reasoning is such a slippery slope.

Unclear if 20-yr war in Afghanistan and Vietnam was societal progress for people who lived there.

Maybe just leave the reasoning at "a more powerful US military" and leave the assumed implications of that to the reader.

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