I am mostly curious about what are the other four charts in your pantheon

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Immigration in moderation is a good thing. Even too much water will kill you. Rather than good vs. bad , we should really debate what the annual number should be and match the skilled labor we need to the skills of those allowed in.

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Plus presumably there's an annual number that over time allows for better assimilation. Everything is a brll curve—too many and assimilation slows down, too few and you loose some of the other benefits of immigration.

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Capitalism, unbridled unregulated capitalism, is the best way to lift all people up and create a better society.

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On another topic, Ivanhoe Electric has developed a new technology to locate and develop mineral deposits. It is called Typhoon. IE is an established mining firm run by a very experienced ceo. You might find it worthwhile to check out typhoon as BP has just agreed to JV mineral exploration with IE. I consider this a major endorsement and so feel it is worth better understanding what IE is doing. TIA your thoughts. SC

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In many cases, yeah, it would.

Unfortunately, we do need some regulation, because people's greed (for money and power) could lead humanity to extinction.

I don't trust the leaders of the companies leading AI efforts right now.

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There are at this time no cures for either Als or PK. In fact biomarkers for both diseases have only been identified in the last two years. Prior to then there was no through way to measure the impact of drugs on the disease other than by observation. That said, the fda is under considerable pressure to improve the lives of those suffering from these diseases. There have recently been two or three drugs approved for als. They are not cures and merely slow, often by a minor amount, the pace of the diseases. I expect that the next three or four years should see very significant progress in drug development for both of these diseases. There is hope but it is not immediate.

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The problem with your GDP chart is that that growth continues to be concentrated in fewer hands. Economic inequality is growing. https://ourworldindata.org/the-history-of-global-economic-inequality

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Perspective of an Australian who is America's sub-imperial power.

America's capitalist empire is doomed to falter by 2100. I say this despite being pro capitalism and pro America.

America's hegemon status is based on its economic might. But as America spreads capitalism around the world it will spread wealth and prosperity throughout the world. In the short and medium term this is good for America and bad for its challengers because most countries have a incentive to support America's hegemony.

But, as we have seen since the 1990s, global inequality is falling as rest of the industrialises under America's hegemony. If America's relative status in the world declines, it won't be able to keep its hegemonic position in the world.

But some positives for America. America's gdp as a percentage of global gdp has stayed at 25% since the 90s. The reason the "west's" power has declined is because the EU's share of global gdp has declined since the 90s. Social democracy was garbage after all. America can create allies in Asia to replace the EU to counter China. The empire can be prolonged with Asian partners but the long term is not reversing.

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while clearly you have many other things to do besides reading comments, your comment section will remain inert unless you can provide comments. Above asked you about Ivanhoe

Mines and their Typhoon technology. Would value our comments sc

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The bionic limb story is amazing. I visited the MIT Biomechatronics Lab a few years ago. If Not Boring were a physical space, it would be the BIomechatronics Lab. It's a whirwind of sensors, electronics, 3D printers, cutting-edge materials, innovation, sweaty postdocs, and most importantly, hope. If you have a chance to visit, you should!

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