What relation do you have to this? Why every self-proclaimed couch politic expert with minor in pandemics thinks they have some entitlement to write some complete trash without knowing the history of the region? I am from Ukraine and I can confirm that the biggest issue for my country and region in general is that US is putting its nose where it doesn't belong since WW2. Bombings of Serbia, Iraq, Iran, nuclear attack on Japan, Afghanistan, Syria, Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia, Laos, Georgia, Belarus, Venezuela. It is even hard to find a region that hasn't suffered destruction from US. Let's also not forget how US was sponsoring nazi Germany way before and during WW2 as well to fight USSR and then switched sides when USSR started to win. Same well written scenario unfolds right now in my country. Thanks USA!

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You are clearly not Ukrainian. Otherwise you wouldn't be writing such trash. We are all trying to unite and show compassion and give all the love (and financial resource) to the Ukrainian people. If you don't like it... Fuck off!

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Clearly? Did you hold a candle when I was born in Kiev? You see that is the point. Bots like you and other radical far-right Ukrainians who wave and wear swastikas and idolize Bendera who supported Hitler only see one point of view - theirs. And decided that every Ukrainian, or anyone else in the world, should share only that point of view. We know how that ideology ended in 1939-1945. I don't want you in my country so you get out and take your nazi and US friends with you. Where were you for the last 8 years when Ukrainian army killed thousands of people in the East? Nobody said anything during the 8 years of genocide in Eastern Ukraine. Use your brain. Now when it is needed and convenient, US is using us as war meat. You are still walking around in pink glasses and believing these story tales of Russian "invasion"? The mouth that is shouting the loudest is always the one that is lying or trying to hide the true agenda. Think about that.

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"Where were you for the last 8 years when Ukrainian army killed thousands of people in the East? Nobody said anything during the 8 years of genocide in Eastern Ukraine." You are clearly another Kremlin stooge here to spread more propranda about the Ukrainian people rights to defend themselves against your masters tyranny. I have no love for the west imperialism nor Russians imperialism. Using your birth place as justification to be Anti-Ukraine is quite frankly despicable. #WeAreAllUkrainiansNow

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Truth hurts I know and inconvenient questions hurt even more. You still didn't answer the question. Where were you for 8 years? Frankly, I see a huge commonalities how western media and people who share your views respond to opinions of people who just don't agree with them. You try to silence them, accuse of being pro-Russian, or imperialistic and then change your language into profanities and threats.

You call Ukrainian people rights only in context of taking rights away from other Ukrainians. Who live on their land, have their views, their voice and their language. That's how Hitler rolled in 1939.

I want US and everyone else to get out from my country. To get rid of nazi government and Bendera gangs that divide the population and try to eliminate everyone who doesn't agree with them. Is that too much to ask? Gangs that burned down people alive in Odessa for simply speaking their native Russian language. Gangs, sponsored by US and Ukrainian fascist government that killed, for 8 years, thousands of people in the East. Where was the president who now looks lie a kicked in the butt poodle licking butts asking for help. Too late.

So you can return your CIA money back to them, you failed at your job of spreading fascism on internet. You want freedom, independence and democracy in Ukraine? Start with yourself. Use your brain for once.


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Kremlin puppet spreading lies like calling the Ukrainian Fascists won't stick. Why don't you go one step further and call Zalensky a Nazi? After all, he is jew and direct desecendant of a holocaust surviver. Your argument is lame and is doomed to fail just like your puppet master. #WeAreAllUkrainiansNow

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Well why all your arguments are the same? Profanities, rudeness, shouting. Where are the facts? Zelenskiy is a jew? You want to play the Jew card?

Can only Jews be targeted with fascism, nazism and racism? No. Any nationality can be, such as Russian speaking Ukrainians who are living on their land and are Ukrainian citizens as everyone else. More so, there are 14 million of them.

Does the Ukrainian government support neo-nazism gangs and movements, pass fascist laws and includes members of these gangs on government positions? Did it support genocide of residents of Donbas for 8 years in the East and nazi demonstrations in Ukraine? Yes. Did it support constant oppression of Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine? Yes.

So is it safe to say that Ukrainian government has a clear fascist agenda? Obviously. Facts don't lie.

Definition of fascism - aimed to create a homogeneous society based on racial purity and exclude those whom they deemed "inferior" races. Well, well, well. Doesn't this sound familiar with what current Ukrainian government has been doing for YEARS.

So now how do you call a person who supports nazism? Zelenskiy. How is Ukrainian government is different from Nazi Germany except that they ware stopped in time from continuing their genocide.

#EndNazismInUkraine #YouAreAllBrainWashedNow

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well, im really glad, that someone understands, that things are much more complicated than just "russian invasion" and "putin gone mad". Anyone, who thinks he ready to talk about the situation should at least dive deep into history and most important one should use tools of political analysis. Needless to say remember right information is hard to get, and it is never ever on top for every one to consume. Thanks.

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Hey Packy, I'm born in Ukraine just an hour away from the Russian boarder. I wrote this bit.ly/ukr-help and I have more coming soon. Happy to connect and help with whatever I can.

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Feb 28, 2022
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"Financial Times is an international business newspaper based in London. The FT was founded in 1888 and has been owned since 1957 by the British publishing conglomerate Pearson, which also owns a 50 percent stake in the British foreign-affairs magazine The Economist."

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Nikkei bought FT in 2015. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/japans-nikkei-buys-financial-times-012357140.html

It‘s still an excellent publication.

Also, no point in feeding trolls.

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