Packy, your story about the photographer, while I'm sure it made you furious at the time, is now hilarious in your telling of it. That would have made me LOSE. MY. MIND.

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Has there been any discussion from Snappr on incorporating a web3 model? Seems like a good opportunity to apply the technology and I am sure the photographers would appreciate some form of ownership as well.

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I guess that crypto payments will be introduced soon in actual web2 marketplaces, pretending to call this web3. I wonder if traditional marketplaces would try web3washing their business :D

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Get them into school pictures please! We don't even buy pictures from my kid's school anymore because the pricing is so ridiculous, very similar to your photo shoot. We get no information about pricing up-front, the pictures are bad, and you have to pay an arm and a leg to get a digital version (who wants "wallet-sized" anymore, seriously?). It's a total racket, ready for disruption!

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So the understanding of photography and the talent it takes is only worth $59-89 bucks. HMMM makes me wonder. Camera and equipment can be between 10,000 to 100,000 plus insurance plus car to get to the shoot other expenses like software. You know all of it time money talent energy... get my drift here? Bad for Sally for not being upfront but damn I charge way more than that and am worth every damn penny. Photography becoming some insignificant thing that is worth so little doesn't sit well for us photographers that have degrees and spent most of our lives doing it and honing in on a skill that most don't have. I have mouths to feed and doing it under 100 bucks for each shoot I would be homeless with my family. Packy I hope the value of what you do is diminished by some large corporation so you too can make not enough money to feed your family. Doesn't work when we DEVALUE others and their abilities. Too bad Snapper preys on desperate young photographers just trying to survive! AND to add... YOU have the memories for the rest of your life so I suppose that's only worth $59 bucks damn you spend more than that on a meal you crap out. What is up with you people? Lose your mind over having beautiful memories that are probably worth way more than what you paid...

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Thanks for including the link to the online version at the top, and as always, thanks also for an informative article!

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