Masterpiece, so informative. Doubling down on more FLOW!

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Great write-up, inspired to dig deeper now

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Great article. Reason this on June 12 with the price sub $2 and a lot of things about to happen in summer has me quite bullish

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Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022

Great article. Reading this on June 12 with the price sub $2 and summer being just around the corner has me quite bullish

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

Great post! And, I'm still impressed by what Flow has built up!

But, it's called a "trilemma" for a reason? Or, following your theory: I can argue the same way for Ethereum: They have figured out how to solve the trilemma. They have decentralization and security, and now they are solving "scalability" (with Eth2.0) simply over time.

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Hi Packy - love your posts! They're super engaging and informative. I'm leading the private sale that G4AL (https://www.g4al.com/) is launching via an ICO in June and I thought it would be interesting to have a call to discuss the project further with you. Please feel free to drop me a line on tmorales@g4al.com

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I own FLOW, but this sentence makes me want to sell: "Under the hood, Flow’s architects reimagined everything."

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haha you know what? when I was reading it out loud for the audio version, thought the same thing. poorly written sentence.

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Sorry, the sentence is fine. What I meant was that I'm concerned that everyone else in blockchain is standardizing and integrating while they seem to trying to build a walled garden.

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Love the concept, the challenge of scaling and energy are obvious when you layer exponential growth on blockchain. Glad to see the introduction of time, and the separation of tasks.

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deletedMar 7, 2022Liked by Packy McCormick
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Just made my day, thank you!

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